Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yes, It's Possible!

Date: 01-Sept-07
From: News Center Publications
Subject: September Caribbean Memo

Dear Friends:

Yes, it's possible to link the Caribbean and Latin America to the Middle East.

But how?

Here is the connection.

It's made by Iraq's President Nouri al-Maliki and two U.S. Senators, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who wants to be the Democratic Party candidate for president; and Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Senators Clinton and Levin say Iraq's parliament should replace Maliki because he isn't doing the job, according to an Associated Press news report. In other words, Maliki has not come up with a political solution to resolve that country's disturbing conflict.

Maliki's response was brief and to the point. These two U.S. critics fail to grasp political reality here. `Maybe they don't know the size of the destruction that Iraq passed through and the role my government plays' in attempting to control events.

How does the Caribbean and Latin America fit into all of this?

Here is why.

Because we at News Center Publications believe it's necessary to use knowledge of a second culture, language and politics, not left or right, to probe beyond one's original point of reference to make more rational political assessments.

Conclusion. If this works for in the Western Hemisphere, it will work for the Middle East. We believe it does.

All five of our historical-political novels cover the point and can be viewed on the In Puerto Rico, the novel `San Juan' is on sale at the Ritz Carlton Hotel bookshop in San Juan.

Also take a look at our BLOG SITE [] for other memos you may have missed this year. And there is more here:

With each purchase, let us know and we'll send free of charge an e-book version. They can be read on any hand-held device with e-mail capability.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors