Saturday, November 17, 2007


Date: 01-Nov-07
From: News Center Publications
Subject: November Caribbean Memo-2007

Dear Friends:

Hugo Chavez of Venezuela was critical of the Pope, the Roman Catholic Church in his country, before turning on the European Union and the United States, holding them responsible for a failed coup against him in 2002. This is the kind of thing dictators say rather than examine themselves or the politics of their own country.

Chavez made the charge in Santiago, Chile, where 22 leaders from Latin America, Portugal and Spain gathered this month for the VXII Summit.

His invective didn't end there.

He called Spain's former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar a "fascist."

In response, current Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero seated near Chavez told him and the audience: "He [Aznar] was elected by the people." Aznar called Rodriguez later to thank him.

When Chavez refused to back down, Spain's King Juan Carlos told him sharply: "Shut up."

Back in Caracas, Chavez says Juan Carlos owes him an apology.

It would seem Chavez traveled to Chile with one thing in mind: bully the leadership. If successful taking control of the region would be easier. During remarks, he objected to Spain's one time control of Latin America and others who refused to accept his leftist, socialist view of politics.

Instead, he may have lost ground by openly showing he wanted to be dictator of the hemisphere and the world. Those positions have been voiced by Chavez and people inside his administration.

Again, let us repeat. We live in a very dangerous world as evidenced by these new remarks made by Hugo Chavez.

And obviously, we believe our books can help anyone get a better political grasp of what the United States and the West are up against.

All five of our historical-political novels can be viewed on the In Puerto Rico, the novel `San Juan' is on sale at the Ritz Carlton Hotel bookshop in San Juan.

Also take a look at our BLOG SITE [] for other memos you may have missed this year. And there is more here:

With each purchase, let us know and we'll send free of charge an e-book version. They can be read on any hand-held device with e-mail capability.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors