Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Many Think So

Date: 05-May-07
From: News Center Publications
Subject: May Caribbean Memo

Dear Friends:

Many think so. I've heard it repeated many times. Not only is the Soviet Union over, so is that old worn out political Marxist-Leninist political philosophy.

Not so, according to Carlos Alberto Montaner, a Cuban political writer who lives Spain's capital city of Madrid.

In a recent column, appearing in El Nuevo Dia, a large Spanish language newspaper in Puerto Rico, he wrote: President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela wants to create a new Soviet-type political bloc in Latin America.

It would be centered in Caracas, Venezuela's capital, and it would include--like the old Soviet model--other countries starting with Cuba and including Ecuador in South America and Nicaragua in Central America. All of them would be under Chavez's direction and control.

Strange? Off the wall?

After all a Cuban anti-Fidel Castro exile said it. But so do two men close to President Hugo Chavez Frias. According to Luis Bonilla Molina and Haiman El Trouche, it's all true. If those three men agree on something, it just may be so.

In a 37-chapter Internet book about the Bolivarian Revolution, Bonilla Molina and El Trouche point out mistakes made by the Soviet Union. Chavez, they say, has learned from these errors.

In doing so, this Latin Marxist-Leninist plans to associate with any political party, any rebel or extremist group, whose leadership and purpose is to defeat the West led by the United States.

There are a lot of loose terrorists hanging around since the old Soviet days just waiting for a leader with oil money. If that be true, Chavez would welcome Islamic extremists in the Middle East and elsewhere to be part of this new Soviet Union based in South America. In other words, the link is there.

In our view, this does not come as a startling surprise.

Before, the Soviet Union used Fidel Castro and the Eastern Germans to carry out a political plan in the western hemisphere. All of that is recorded in two of our five novels, `San Juan,' and `Chile-New York, the Eleventh of September.'

Now, Chavez wants to reverse the process.

President Chavez apparently feels his improved Communist theory will not only work in Latin America, but the World. If true, he would be known as World President Hugo Chavez.

So how should we react?

Montaner thinks Chavez will crash eventually. And we do too. BUT it also means we all have a responsibility and an obligation to take what he says seriously enough to understand this rehash of twisted political thinking. A new novel is being written to explore the tie between Islamic extremists and people like Chavez.

Our five novels can be viewed on the In Puerto Rico, `San Juan' is on sale at the Ritz Carlton Hotel bookshop in San Juan. Also take a look at our BLOG SITE []. With each purchase, let us know and we'll send free of charge an e-book version. They can be read on any hand-held device with e-mail capability.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors

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