Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Extremist Groups Attack

Date: 06-June-07
From: News Center Publications
Subject: June Caribbean Memo

Dear Friends:

Small extremist groups--a mix of Islam and leftists--are on the attack against the West with two ideas in mind: to destroy democratic institutions and to control the world.

We at News Center Publications have long believed that to be true.

A new book and the recent arrest of four men from the Caribbean underline our position.

Former CIA chief George Tenet, who wrote `At the Center of the Storm,' says "today's terrorists are interconnected," much like Internet users. For years, he said, "I tried to convince two administrations [one Democrat, one Republican] the terrorist threat was SEAMLESS" or without boundary.

In short, "the world has one single war-theater."

After the book's release, the FBI announced the arrest of four men who allegedly planned to blow-up a fuel pipeline connection at New York City's John F. Kennedy Airport. All are natives of the old English Caribbean, three from Guyana and a fourth from Trinidad.

While Tenet's book and the four arrests provide better political focus, our position as outlined in other Caribbean Memos and in five historical-political novels remain unchanged.

A sixth one--now being planned and to be written--will be another and a more up-to-date attempt to better define the global threat. Our purpose will be to separate extremist Islam from Islam and then unite Islamic extremism and leftist politics.

Our five novels can be viewed on the In Puerto Rico, the novel `San Juan' is on sale at the Ritz Carlton Hotel bookshop in San Juan. Also take a look at our BLOG SITE [].

With each purchase, let us know and we'll send free of charge an e-book version. They can be read on any hand-held device with e-mail capability.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors

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